Electronic Conspicuity Rebate Deadline Extended – 31st march 2023
The funding scheme launched back in October 2020 by The Department for Transport (DfT) has been extended to 31st march 2023. The scheme was set up to encourage the adoption of Electronic Conspicuity equipment within the UK’s aviation and unmanned aircraft communities. Originally set to end by February 2021 the scheme has been further extended to encourage further take up.
Those meeting the requirements can claim a 50% rebate of the purchase cost of an EC device to a maximum of ยฃ250.00 including VAT, per applicant.
Harry Mendelssohn says, “We are delighted that this deadline has been extended. It shows how seriously the Department for Transport take aircraft safety and the safety of UK pilots and passengers.”
So what are the requirements to apply?
The UK’s Civil Aviation Authority details the requirements on their website >>
If you would like to take advantage of this rebate before the deadline please browse our range of eligible electronic conspicuity devices