What is an aviation headset?

Aviation headsets are worn by pilots and will always have a microphone and be designed for good noise reduction. Lowering the volume of engine, airflow and blade noise is important to protect pilots from loss of hearing. Microphones allow the pilots to communicate with the ground, air traffic control and with others in the aircraft, co-pilot or navigator.


What is the difference between an ANR and a PNR headset?

ANR stands for Active Noise Reduction, where a microphone picks up the external noise and a mirror of the sound is created electronically and played back out to the ear cups. This effectively cancels out the external noise. It can be extremely effective at removing ambient sounds creating a very clear headset for pilots, protecting your hearing from engine noise. They are design to cancel low frequency sound, so speech, engine noise changes and airflow are easily picked up. They...


What is the difference between low and high impedance microphones ?

Electret microphones which are high impedance and require a drive voltage to operate. Electret microphones are very sensitive and often contain a noise-cancelling circuit to reduce background noise. Standard GA headsets use electret microphonesDynamic microphones are low impedance. They are not sensitive and usually only pick up noise within a few inches of the microphone so they tend not to pick up wind or engine noises and are ideal for noisy or open cockpit aircraft. Military headsets...